First live-show in… forever.

This week sees me walk on to the stage and perform [facebook-event] for a group of people for the first time since 2005. Granted, it is not a show of my own. I am going to be a part of the new 047 album, Elva, release gig, as I am singing on one of the tracks.
Do not feel nervous just yet, but think I might. Not only because it has been a long time since I performed, but also because I will not have a guitar (or drums for that matter) covering me, so to speak. Just me and a mic.

If you are in Gothenburg, Sweden on the 10:th of June, do pop by.

If I did not live here, I would never come here.

It’s official.
Camilla, The Boo and I have to move.

I have for a while now felt that I am done with this place, with this island, with this Gigantic Rock. This because of several reasons. The main one being; if I did not live here, I would never ever go here; come here. Today, an event; yet another robbery, tipped the scale.

Now, it’s not the robberies, or the crime, or anything like that, that in itself makes me want to move. It’s not a thought like: This has become such a bad neighborhood. Because it hasn’t. It’s a really quiet neighborhood, with loads of senior citizens and with kind of  a small town feel to it (in the sense that everyone knows everyone). Still, like above, this latest robbery tipped the scale.

I do not want to live here anymore.

(So what was this robbery? Well it was our local grocery store that got robbed for the 4:th time in 18 months. Three individuals with knife/or knifes entered the store just before 2000h. Just minutes after I had left! I was there shopping for milk and what not… There was another customer in the store when I left, it’s a pretty small store so one notices people, he bought milk too (red), maybe he was a witness? The robbers got the days registered money, wich if I am informed correctly is only about half the days registered money since the other half is taken away mid-day. Also the ambulance came and picked up a guy with a cracked elbow; maybe the ‘witness’ maybe the owner, not a robber. The police picked up a suspect around 2100h.)