Ultra-sounded ass.

Not much going on today.
I’ve been to the doctors. Getting ultra-sound treatment on my ass. My ass, in which there is a muscle which seems to be too short, and which has; in which there is, an inflammation. You could say that it, the muscle thing, has been a pain in my ass. And, since the pain in my ass is in me; you could say: I’m a pain in my ass. Fun.
Going back on Friday for more… of the ultra-sound. Friday the 13:th. I mean, what can go wrong? You know. I’m just lying there on my stomach, with my ass in the air, my bare ass in the air, covered in gunk (not the whole of me, just my ass, because apparently one has to have ones ass covered in gunk for the ultra-sound, and the machine that makes that sound, to take), with a machine pointed on-to my ass… by a nurse…

Oh my, so much could go wrong.


When in doubt e-mail Rob.

I e-mailed Rob a few hours ago. I am in doubt. I am in doubt regarding the recording we did a while back. The recording of a song called ‘One Fear‘. (Regular readers will know what I am talking about. If you are not a regular reader, or worse: are and still have no idea what I am talking about, scroll down. Also: If you are not a regular reader you should be. I cover some pretty mind blowing stuff.) I have doubts as to how it, the song, sounds, which direction we should take with the new album.

I wonder if this is a consequence of my, as of now, general state of worry?