Nothing, yet the 4 wise’s.

Yet another blog-hiatus.
Sorry about that. But truth is, I haven’t got that much to say at the moment. True, some of my blog posts in the past (and indeed even this one) have been less than necessary. Still, events around me seem even less interesting than ones previously talked about. However, a quick summary might be in order.

Musicwise not much has happened. I am working on two things, perhaps three. One being the album. One being… well, not an album. The third thing is not an album, not not an album… well, I do not know what it is. I reveal everything. All in due time. (Not that it’s some big secrets or anything but as long as nothing is finalized then talking about it doesn’t seem to make sense.)

Studywise I’m in/on the home-stretch. Just now I’m, as I have for a couple of days and am going to for another couple of days, sitting with an exam due Sunday at 2359h. Then, on Monday I have a seminar for an essay-course that has been running the entire semester. I’ll have to read up on some Wittgenstein for that.

Lifewise alls going pretty well. I’ve gotten into some kind of routine.

Seagullwise it’s still on. As I tried to let The Boo out on the balcony the other day, I found two large spatters of shit. They’re targeting me. I know it. Not long now before I call the hot air balloon rental place.

That’s about it really.
Really really.

So why the sea in Seagull?

Here you have a Seagull (satan) and her young (evil spawns of satan) in their natural habitat:

Here you have where Camilla, The Boo, and I live:

Now, compare the two pictures. Seagull (satan) and her young (spawn of satan) aside, do you see any resemblance? Do we live on some rocks, near the brush by the sea? No? Odd. Because here, where we live, about one million Seagulls (satans) and their young (spawns of satans) live.

We’ve been living side by side for some years now. We do not like them, they do not like us. But, apart from the odd air-attack followed by waiving of arms, and some very loud morning vocals on the Seagulls (satans) part we’ve both been keeping to ourself.

Sometime yesterday, the Seagulls (satans) kicked it up a notch.

Through the very window where the picture of the rainbow was taken, although it was only open slightly, just a little crack, the fucking Seagull (satan) shat. Yes, that’s right. Shat!
I did not see it, but I can imagine. The Seagull (satan) aiming for our window, accelerating, and then, just a few feet from the facade banking heavily upwards, while aiming, and releasing the mother(satan)load.

The Seagull (satan) managed to hit some candle holders and the inside windowsill.

So, now I’m plotting my revenge.
I’m thinking of renting a hot air balloon. Taking it over the Seagulls (satans) nest, hanging from under the basket, with no pants on… having had a big, big meal before… probably Tacos, spicy Tacos… and lots of coffee…
And just as the Seagull (satan) looks up to see what the deal is…
