Deleted and Crap.

I’ve now deleted my blog I’m Thinking! I’m Thinking!
I started that blog in order to write study, student and research related stuff there. That has not happened. Nor, will it… obviously. That stuff will, as before, turn up here. As will all most of my Internet-outlettings. I will, bit by bit, change this site to some sort of super-feed. Much like my; one page where you can reach all. Right now, I’ve only managed to include my Twitter- and Flickr-feeds. (That’s because those are the only ones allowed/provided by WordPress’ widget-thingy.) I hope that will change. I hope to get in tough with someone who can help me with this.

So, from now on: No more wondering which blog to put my stuff on, ending up putting it on none. More ramblings here. Enjoy! And, this weekend I’ll post an evaluation on the ‘social-sites’ I signed up for. Stay tuned!

I’m thinking! I’m thinking!

As part of my new (web) strategy to take over the world, I’ve today started a new blog/site. It’s called I’m Thinking! I’m Thinking!

The reason for this is this: I’ve studied philosophy now for three years, and with at least two more to come, I figured I ought to have an outlet for those thoughts.

So, every subject I have written about; filed under studies will now be found under the link above.


Academic Ping-Pong.

I ought to have learnt this by now.
That I don’t need to get stressed out.
That this is the way it works.
But I haven’t.
And, I’m getting.

I am talking of my thesis. The one I’m writing. The fourth one in two years. And it’s always been the same.
First the idea, the problem to tackle, is crystal clear. Then it grows, getting too big. Then I trim, twist, turn to get it down to size. All along with new ideas and solutions popping up, making the thesis go in all sorts of directions, not being able to see the line between problem and conclusion. Then this ‘all over’ start blending with moments of clarity, ping-ponging back and forth, faster shorter until (at least in my mind) clarity wins and the thesis, as by magic, gets finished.

Right now I am at the start of that ping-pong game.
Still stressing out though.
Is it because clarity is not a given winner?

This Week + Future Music.

The week is trotting along at a fairly comfortable tempo. Not much happening and not much getting done. I set out with grand ambitions but the fruits of those ambitions are three thoughts and a read paper. Tomorrow I’ll read another paper, maybe two. And, on Friday I’ll go for some study guidance (if that’s what it’s called; I’ll go to see a guy about my future studies, the next two years. I’ll tell hi what I’d like to do; where I’d like to end up, he’ll tell me how to do it; to get there… I hope).

Music-wise I’ve been talking the talk.
Talking with Lars-Martin about recording two songs. I’ve written two, and have a vision. It’s going to be drums, synth-bass, spanish guitar, up-right piano and lots of space. (And, vocals.)
I’ve also been talking to 047 about swimming a bit further out into the waters in which we are right now just splashing with our bare feet. (A few weeks back I was in the 047 studio – sort of – and delivered the frame-work for a song. Their going to produce it and then I’ll come back and lay some vocals. If all goes we’ll the song’ll end up on an upcoming EP of theirs.) I have a couple of songs that I don’t know what to do with. I’m thinking their aesthetics could fit them. We’ll see.


Today I want some good news.
Yesterday was disastrous, with the Arsenal loss and all. The good news I want can preferably come through, or by, my music.

Today I’m going to go out for test run.
After 5 days of being sick, and still not feeling 100%, I feel I can’t wait any more. I’ve got, as we say here in Sweden, so much running in my legs.

Today I’ll finish reading up on Rawls.
I’ll hopefully find enough references to what The Veil of Ignorance is meant to do, to build a concept, a Rawlsian concept, of Mind and Knowledge.

Today I’m ending the post with a picture.
Sent to me, by phone, by a friend. It’s a young Tomas, oblivious to the life and worries of old Tomas; present Tomas. My guess is that this picture is from 1997, probably May, probably taken in Visby, Gotland. My friend, and I, along with the band we played in; Trickbag, a skate-punk-power-pop outfit, were there to play a show at Roxy. Fun times.

October 1:st, sick, thesis and airplay.

So, new month. Lots to do.

First off, I’ll try to get well; to get rid of this cold. Into its third day now. Really wish it would just go away. I need to get my run on, you know.

Secondly, the thesis-writing goes into super serious mode this month. My aim is to have a pretty finished thesis by October 31:st. I have until mid January to polish it, but I really do not want to have too much to do. This, since I’m taking two full-time courses (each full-time in their own right) in November/December. (One on Artificial Intelligence and one on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.)
Today I’m going to start reading up on my John Rawls, The Veil of Ignorance and what concept of Mind and Knowledge, that ‘knowledge restriction’ is. The I’m going to see if there actually is a concept of Mind and Knowledge at all, or if that is an open question (leading to a less epistemic coherent theory).

In music I got some great news yesterday. Starting next week, I’m going to get regular airplay (for a while at least) on Sweden’s largest college radio station. It’s a start, and one that I am very happy with, not really bathing in airplay. Let’s hope other college radio stations, and national radio, follows.

Hi. I’m Ludwig, and I can philosophize your ass off.

Rain, Thesis and Lunch.

The rain is coming down hard here in Gothenburg and motivation is at a low. Also, the headache from yesterday had not quite left me. Head feeling heavy.

I really ought to get going on my bachelors thesis. But it’s hard. I know what I have to do, I know how to do it and I know how much time it will take. Taking all those factors into account I know when I’ll be done. And, that’s before I need to be done. I therefore put all on hold. Not good. Why not just get going and have some spare time in the middle of the semester? Or, have the time to alter; correct; change stuff if anything goes wrong.

Maybe later.
Right now I need to make lunch…

Other Stuff Than Rock.

So, school has started. Yet, it seems as though nothing has changed. From Summer that is. This is because my first lecture isn’t until November 4:th. Sure, I’ll be writhing a Bachelors Thesis until then (and then, and after then). But, still.

Apart from the thesis I’ll be taking two classes this semester. The first one is an introduction in artificial intelligence; I chose this one because it just seems awesome! The second one is one on the late Wittgenstein (and then late as in ‘his later philosophy’, which in many ways contradicts his early stuff, and not late as in dead… although he is… ok, it’s a course on the late, late Wittgenstein… and not late, late as in the last thing the late Wittgenstein did…). I’m taking this course for two reasons. The first one is that I’m not particularly interested in Wittgenstein and think he is overrated, most in my class disagree, I want to find out why. The second reason is that the professor (and this is a real professor not someone calling himself that just because he gives higher edu. lectures… although this one does that too… give lectures; not calls himself a professor because he does it… give lectures) is about to retire. He has for a while been writing on a  book on Wittgenstein, the final interpretation, as he jokingly describes it. The lectures are to be given through that book. Seems interesting enough.

But, until all that starts I’m going to write another Bachelors Thesis and I’m going to continue researching the realms of Contract Ethics and Epistemology. I want to find out if a ‘modern’ view of mind and knowledge can work together with the use of a knowledge restricter (such as RawlsVeil of Ignorance) or if those views of mind and knowledge threatens to fail the whole (Rawlsian) Contractualist project.

Now you know.

Here and onwards.

After our (Camilla’s, Bosse’s and mine) vacation we’re back in Gothenburg.
A storm greeted us. Hello Gothenburg, I see you’ve been… the same. (We, here in Gothenburg, really need some government weather authority, modelled after the Chinese equivalent.)

I’ve started to get things together for September, and all that will be happening then. (However, it seems ridiculous to talk about upcoming record-releases when the one, supposed to be, released August 10:th has yet to see the light of day.)

Some pictures from Högfors tomorrow.



Man, the days just fly by.
Don’t really know where they go, or what I do, but go they do and do, I do.
It’s mostly about taking care of the home; cooking, doing laundry, cleaning, and some about working-out. Granted, yesterday saw an impromptu beer night with Rutger, still.

Tomorrow I’ll head into the studio with Lars-Martin (watch my Twitter-feed for continuous updates).

(Also, I really wish school would start. I feel I need it.)

The ‘no teeth doubt’.

Last night I dreamt that all my teeth came out.
I’ve had dreams in which this happens many times before.
However, it’s been a few years.
From what I’ve learnt dreams like these (it could be teeth, hair, maybe limbs) are control, or more anti-control dreams. Dreams that one has when subconsciously (or perhaps consciously, while awake) does not feel in control.

So, I guess I feel I’m not in control.

This could be linked with a feeling I had yesterday.

Yesterday I was casually browsing around the website of the University I attend. After a while I ended up att the individual homepages of the faculty staff members. I started to read what some were researching; what was their fields of interest and read some stuff that they, a couple of them, had written.
I did not understand much.
This frightened me.
I have two and a half years left. Then I’m meant to understand all that stuff.
What if I won’t?

Half Way.

As you all know; have seen, the activity, my activity on this blog has been pretty scarce.
The reason: I’ve been, and am on summer leave (from school).
It’s not, however, as if I’ve had nothing to do. Oh no, I’ve don plenty.

There has been visits from family and friends, the odd trip and some music in the works. (If you follow me on Twitter you know all this. I really must find a better way to get my tweets into the blog.)

Now to this headline, ‘Half Way’-bit.
Today I’ve reached half way of my summer leave. It’s time to stop relaxing and tart getting things done.
I had huge plans for this summer – Clean and organize Camilla’s and mine storage space, take my bike to the bike shop for repairs, fix all the files and folders stacking up in our home-office, sort through all kinds of stuff; clothes; magazines; books to throw out what I do nor need.
None of this has been done. I need to start doing it. Starting today.

I’ll also start blogging more again, and that’s a promise. So if you are now in the habit of just checking in here once or twice a week, you need to up your game. (Otherwise you wont be able to keep up with The Artist Formerly Known As The Don Bon Jovi, me.)

Semester officially over.

Yesterday my final grade for a course taken this semester was reported. That means I am officially done (for this semester). Although I haven’t had any school-related stuff to do; think of; attend since June 1:st, it feels good to know I do not have anything hanging. (There was always the off-chance, or perhaps risk, that I would fail this course.)

The only thing staining this occasion is that the grade received was not the highest possible. I know this is a luxury problem. Thing is, I’ve gotten the highest grade possible in the other courses this semester, and an ace:ing would have been nice. Now I just have to blame myself for not applying myself enough. I know where I went wrong; planning, and it won’t happen again.

So, looking forward to next semester; my Bachelors degree one. When finished, and passed, I’ll have a Bachelors Degree in either Theoretical or Practical Philosophy, with the one not picked being some kind of minor. I can choose whichever of the two subjects, but only one of them, in which I’ll get my degree.
However, I won’t be graduating with that degree since my plan is to take a Masters in Practical Philosophy.

First though, summer.

Confirmed; here you go!

Ok! So it’s been confirmed, just got the news today, half an hour ago: I got the highest grade available for my essay in Theoretical Philosophy. So, I am going to post it… in this post… here… now… so… yeah.

I doubt that many of you will download, even fewer read. This is more a proud-kid-look-at-me moment for me. Just humor me.

I give you: Is Cast in Oblivion Even an Option?
(Just click on the thing and it will pop right up.)

Schools out for summer (I think).

On Monday I had my last day of school for the semester. So schools out. Maybe. Still have not received the grades for my last exam and on an essay I wrote. The essay-thing went great but the exam… you never know. And yo all know the deal with the essay; If I get the highest grade, I’ll post it. (I doubt that anyone would want to read it. Just so yo know I’m not just sitting here making stuff up.) So school is almost out. Now I have three months of leave. I have no summer job or anything like that so I’ll just be kicking it. Nice. (Well, that might not be all true. I still have my music, and in that three releases to work on; the album, a summer single and something for the fall.)

Longing for Tuesday.

I’m doing so much philosophy reading I’ve got theories coming out of my ears. I’m to blame of course, not school. I planned 12 days to get this exam done. Then, all of a sudden, in-between day 6 and 9, I took two days off. Idiot.

Now I’ve got a hand-in tomorrow, at 2359h, so I’ve got time. But, I’ve also got another thing to do. 1015h on monday morning we have the essay seminar (I’m labeling it the because I’m sure I’ve written about it before). Fist up: me, as an opponent. So I have to, thoroughly read up on the essay I am opposing, one about Wittgenstein; private-language argument; not knowing when in pain.

Now back to Habermas, and knowledge and power!

Nothing, yet the 4 wise’s.

Yet another blog-hiatus.
Sorry about that. But truth is, I haven’t got that much to say at the moment. True, some of my blog posts in the past (and indeed even this one) have been less than necessary. Still, events around me seem even less interesting than ones previously talked about. However, a quick summary might be in order.

Musicwise not much has happened. I am working on two things, perhaps three. One being the album. One being… well, not an album. The third thing is not an album, not not an album… well, I do not know what it is. I reveal everything. All in due time. (Not that it’s some big secrets or anything but as long as nothing is finalized then talking about it doesn’t seem to make sense.)

Studywise I’m in/on the home-stretch. Just now I’m, as I have for a couple of days and am going to for another couple of days, sitting with an exam due Sunday at 2359h. Then, on Monday I have a seminar for an essay-course that has been running the entire semester. I’ll have to read up on some Wittgenstein for that.

Lifewise alls going pretty well. I’ve gotten into some kind of routine.

Seagullwise it’s still on. As I tried to let The Boo out on the balcony the other day, I found two large spatters of shit. They’re targeting me. I know it. Not long now before I call the hot air balloon rental place.

That’s about it really.
Really really.

In with the essay on with the exam.

Yesterday I took a day off.
From School.

The day before yesterday I handed in a Draft (and a pretty advanced one at that, If you ask me) for an/my essay in Theoretical Philosophy. Nicely titled: Is Cast in Oblivion Even an Option? On a Detour or Heading for a Dead End.
Well, the title probably doesn’t tell you that much.
Roughly it’s about what kind of knowledge, or conception of mind and knowledge, we need to have in order to make a theory (on morals) useful. Well… kind of.
You know the deal; if I get the highest grade possible on this essay, I’ll publish it here. Why only when it gets the highest grade, you ask? Well, because if not, if it doesn’t get the highest grade, then it’s shit.

School is, however, not over yet.
For the semester.
I have 12 days of the rough stuff left. Starting… well… a few hours ago.

It’s an exam in Modern Philosophy (nice and narrow) that is due on May 30:th.
6 questions to be answered. At least 4000 characters in each answer. Lots of material to read through.

Best be doing that.

Saturday morning 1125h.

Saturday morning.
I should be writing that essay, but I’m not.
I’m browsing around on the web and lazy-watching the morning-show on TV.
Need to get going, soon, though.

The skies, or sky (is there more than one?) has opened itself (yeah, there’s only one) again. It feels like summer rain though, light and a bit nice… a bit. I really wish summer would come, proper. Maybe mostly because of school, or the break in school that summer brings. I really need it this year. It being half way (of my studies) and all. Two and a half years done. Two and a half years to go. (For now I’ll keep quiet about the four years or so after that I’m hoping to get after.)

Ok. No more slouching around.