Let You Go!

Today sees the release of 047 (feat. Tomas Halberstad)’s new single ‘Let You Go’!
The single is a collaboration between the guys in 047 and myself. We think it turned out super! And, we hope you do to.
The song is released via Killing Music and will, as of today, be available in all major digital music outlets.


Or, if your vimeo-kind-of person. Here’s a link to the video on vimeo!

The Embedded Swings Again.

Finally got the video, The Pendulum Swings Again from Autumn Fall AA, up on youtube.com.

The Vimeo player is nicer [the video on Vimeo] but WP-doesn’t like Vimeo-players (and I run WP).

The Video Swings Again.

As you all know, all who read this blog, Stewart Smith is doing a video for an upcoming release of mine, a song called ‘The Pendulum Swings Again’. Yesterday saw us shoot some material for that video. (Not Stewart and I, but Brandt, Rob and I. Stewart is in London, we’re not.)

I’m pretty exited by this. Not only because the video is done by Stewart (who has proven himself in that field) but also because it’s a video, per say. It’s kind of strange that in this age of moving image, and moving images close relationship with music, this is only my second video, and first one as a solo-artist.

Ok. So Brandt, Rob and I meet up at a photo-studio here in Gothenburg. Brandt set the lights, camera (action!) and so on. Rob handled the scripting. And, I sang and acted like that was the only thing I had ever done. (Not really. In an embarrassing turn of events it turned out that I did not really know the lyrics to my own song…)

Got a text message from Brandt, just a few minutes ago. He had looked at the filmed material and cut out all the bad takes. Now we’re going to ship it all to Stewart in London.

You’ll see the end result soon!

New Month.

So today a new month starts.
The month of August.
The last one of my three month long summer leave from school.
Although it has been nice, it has not been all relaxin’, still, the relaxin’ part has made me wish for school (a little bit).

So, what’s on the agenda for August?
Well, two family birthdays, a friends birthday, studio time with Lars-Martin, photo-session with Stooss, working on a music-video with Stewart Smith, the Premier league gets underway with Arsenal playing away to Liverbajs [click link for a full Liverbajs starting line-up] in the first game, Camilla and I will (hopefully) go on a small vacation to Högfors and ‘Summer Love AA’ will get its release. All in all a pretty full month. And, in the midst of all that will be going on, I’ll try to get some work-outs done. The past two or three weeks I’ve really been getting in to running. I hope that ‘getting into’ sticks. Stuff rarely does with me.

Video in the making.

Stewart Smith, the guy who made this video (since WP can’t embedd vimeo-vids I’m posting the youtube.com-version, here’s a link to the better Q vimeo one):

Is making a video for me! For a song to be released in September/October.
Can’t tell you how excited I am about this.
Completely beside myself.

If you want to read up on some of Stewarts work head on over to Core 77 where they have an interview with him.

Saturday to Today and music.

So psyched! Football was back on! That is, team, not international, football was back on! Arsenal were back on, facing Sunderland away. Come on!
Arsenal lost 1-0 and that was that day.
Had been pumped up since morning. Had put on my Arsenal away-shirt. Had done it all…
Before the football we, Camilla and I, had managed to go grocery shopping. Never a good lead up to something bad.

Mew, live in concert. Fantastic show. Four things about the night, apart from the whole fantastic music experience, stand out though:

  1. Before the show we, Camilla, AK37 (a much lesser and therefore better weapon) and I went out to dinner. The dinner was good and when we got the check we noticed that they had forgotten to charge us for two beers, a glass of water (yes, you read it correctly, a glass of water! For which they charge!) and a glass of wine. Since alcohol is pretty expensive in Sweden the amount of those three items would have been about 35% of the whole bill. And, since the service was utter crap we decided to pay up, not mentioning the forgotten and walk away! Ha!
  2. Mew has an absolutely fantastic drummer!
  3. The PA-system used at the venue must have been made in order to suffice in a venue three times the first venue’s, our venue’s, size. Super loud! And no, it’s not just me getting old!
  4. After the show AK37 found 200 SEK (50$/20€) on the ground outside the venue. Kind as she is we shared her findings.

All in all a pretty nice day which apart from the concert also included some studying.

More studying but I also managed a trip to Freeport (an outlet of all sorts, of sort) where I got my self a new, way too high, or thick, pillow.

Been to school and now I’m studying. Taking a break to give you tha shizzle.

On a music note (ha!), I have been mailing back and forth with a video director/old friend about maybe doing something together. Comes down to money, as it always does. As far as recording the new album is concerned, I’m still waiting verdict on the whens and wheres of bass-recording.

Travel as I garbage?

I hope Robinareforever does not think that my song is garbage… maybe she (I think she’s a she) thinks my song is, what she calls, garbage-art; something beautiful created from something thrown away. If she does I guess that, she in a sense, is right.

Why do I write this?
Well Ribinareforever has posted a video on her youtube.com account and the soundtrack to that video is my song “Travel as I Wait“. Cool! Nice! Thanks!

Here’s the vid:

Nice words warm the heart.

As I’ve told you before there are a couple of videos, or whatever, on youtube with mu song ‘Travel as I wait: Here’s one, Here’s the other. Here’s what someone, Winterstellar, wrote as a comment:

He’s a total genius! One of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard! : )

Now, I’m guessing that the past statement is really subjective but I do not care, it really warms the heart.

Thanks Winterstellar!